
Posts Tagged ‘back ground’

Symbian vs Andriod.

August 30, 2011 Leave a comment

symbian vs andriodMobile  users  mainly  thinks about which  is  better O.S:Andriod vs Symbian.  while purchasing a new mobile.When comparing both of this mobile operating systems these are the few questions we think about.

Andriod is new to mobile market but it had a good back ground, why because it comes from google.
Where as symbian mainly used in Nokia mobiles which gained lot of trust from users.

Comparison between android and symbian operating systems :



There is no software upgrading for symbian phones if you want to upgrade to new version you need to buy a new phone.where as in android phone what you need is just by connecting to Internet you can upgrade to new version like upgrading from android 1.6 to android 2.1 version with this simple process your android phone is added with new features.Read More>>